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Ever since I got to visit New York, I've had a bit of an obsession with the city. Even though as a Northwest girl, I do love being outdoors but I there's something too about a concrete jungle that energizes me and inspires me too. Portland is obviously no comparison to the size of NYC but I love exploring downtown and seeing all the beautiful brick buildings. 
We've been so lucky with the weather here too, it's been sunny and beautiful! It's like an early Spring here so of course I've been taking up the opportunity to wear my dresses and rompers again. My favorite weather is being able to wear them but still chilly enough to need a coat. This NBD romper has a little bit of edginess to it with the sheer cut outs! We all know I love girly and edgy! Perfect for a girl who wants to stomp around downtown!

What I'm Wearing: Romper: NBD, Coat: Kate Spade Saturday, Bag: Free People, Boots: Circus by Sam Edelman


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Flash Back

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With all this talk about the 70s being a huge influence on the runway and in street style, I couldn't help but get a little inspired by the 70s myself with this look! I thrifted these vintage glasses a long time ago and thought they would be the ultimate accessory for this denim romper. I feel like I should be roller skating down the sidewalk or something!
Also a HUGE thank you to Mattie Krall for taking these photos!

What I'm Wearing: Romper: Free People, Glasses: Vintage, Necklace: Free People

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Sporty Greys

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You guys might not know this about me, but I was an athlete growing up and into high school (I even got offered a scholarship to do track!) So when I was younger, tennis shoes always just meant track practice or running days for soccer. I never would have thought that they would have been fashionable in an actual everyday outfit but now that I have accepted it, I've learned that I love it! I love that extra comfort and effortlessness I can add to my outfits.
I've been wanting a white faux leather skirt for so long now! They're so chic to add with a simple shirt or sneakers or to dress up. I went for a sportier look this time but I'm excited to see what else I can pair with it!

What I'm Wearing: Jacket: MissGuided, Top: Foxsie, Skirt: MissGuided, Sneakers: Saucony for Madewell, Rings: Made by me in HS!

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