Velvet Lovers

Boo this bipolar weather! I attempted to take outfit photos today...bad idea in the rain. 
Instead I thought I would bring a couple of things to attention to you guys. I got a lot of compliments on my velvet top in my post a few days ago. Velvet is one of my favorite things to wear and in my opinion it will never go out of style. I have a few velvet vintage pieces in my shop, KooKooKachoo vintage, among lots of other great pieces. 
Also, I made a new temporary shop to sell some of my non-vintage pieces every once in awhile. It's a good way to clean out my closet and share the goods with you guys! The prices are super good too and most of the stuff I have only worn like once! So make sure you all check it out and I will let you all know anytime I do these sales! (I plan on adding more tomorrow too!)
Enjoy your Monday :)


  1. Love those twin velvet dresses so much!

    1. They're only ten dollars!! :)

    2. I would totally buy them both if it weren't for international shipping. The one thing I dislike about being Canadian is that I have to pay so much extra to fuel my online shopping addiction, hehe.

  2. Me encantan todos! Sobretodo el granate.
    Un beso desde

  3. I love velvet! Thank you for sharing :)

  4. love love the red velvet dress , really pretty !

    kisses from Barcelona


  5. I love all these velvet garments!!

  6. Just bought that red dress! It's so pretty!Can't wait for it to get here, how long does shipping usually take?



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