Time For a Change

I've been thinking a lot lately. Thinking about different things and circumstances in my life. Things that I can control and can't control, things that don't really matter and things that matter most. And through all this thinking I've realized the most important of all of those things are the things in my life that I can control. If I don't like something about my life or situation, for the most part I can change it for the better.  I am the ultimate decider of what I want to do on a certain day, how I want my outlook to be, if I want to be sad or happy. So why wouldn't I automatically choose the thing that would make me happiest? And that's where all this thinking has gotten me. I want to change that about me. I really want to make an effort in making myself the happiest. It seems a bit selfish, but I think when you have figured out how to make yourself truly happy then it's easier to make others around you happy too. I don't really know what the ultimate outcome will be, but at this point I think it's best for me and that's what I need.

Just some thoughts and confessions for this Sunday.


  1. I know the feeling and you're absolutely right. Even though it sounds selfish in writing, being happy helps others around you pick themselves up too. :) I keep reminding myself of just that. And not to dwell on little things I can't change. You're on the right track Tonya. Hugs!

  2. I agree with your thoughts/ words. I do believe if person is not happy,
    they can't make other people happy either, at least not in the long run.
    I still have a lot to work on myself, but I did realized how big difference
    I make on people around me when I'm truly happy :)


  3. I just started reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and so far it's really good. You should give it a look!

  4. it's my first time here and I'm happy it's been in this post! it's important to know what you've written and the most important thing is trying to be happy with little things we can control. it's not selfish I think.

  5. I've thought so much about this, too. What is going to make me happy today, tomorrow, and a month from now? And a year from now? Am I making myself happy and doing the things that will only do that?! What am I not doing? Too true, too true. This can apply to our relationships, our careers, school... everything. I love this post.

  6. It's a great start! You're thinking the right way, we either make ourselves miserable or happy and strong!

  7. This is something I struggle with daily because of all the shit that's happened to me the last 2 years of my life. I think it's admirable to post it here on your blog because it sort of holds you accountable. Something I'm not ready to do on mine yet, because I know I won't live up to it! LOL. You're a wonderful person and friend, so I hope you can work toward whatever makes you the most happy, because you deserve it! <3


  8. thanks for sharing the thoughts, twas refreshing. loving those pictures especially dandelions xo

    The Young Bridget Jones

  9. great post, lady. <3 i have definitely been musing over these thoughts as well and trying to search my mind for what i really want and what is going to make me happy and successful. thanks for opening up to us tonya!

  10. I've been feeling the same lately, hope you're ok :)

    Kirsti xx

  11. I love the post. The pictures are beautiful, too!

  12. These photos are BEAUTIFUL! Absolutely lovely.

  13. It's so true -- we make all of the decisions that lead to our happiness or unhappiness. I am constantly thinking about this as well and I find that the most important (but also the most difficult) is to block out all of the negativity and persuasion from others and listen to your heart. I hope that I can take this advice as well :)

    xoxo Alison



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