Rained In

I'm currently laying in bed listening to the rain pour...basically rained in. I forgot how rainy Portland gets especially since I got so caught up in the beautiful summer months. It's so easy for me to just want to stay in all day, the rain makes blog photos almost impossible! I try to stay somewhat productive with homework or hangout in a coffee shop. I want to start painting again or start back up my vintage shop. I'm thinking about making a rainy day bucket list!
What are your favorite things to do on a rainy day? Because I have a lot planned ahead!


  1. These pictures so perfectly sum up what a rainy day in Portland is like

  2. such a cosy post!
    kisses from portugal!

  3. These pictures so perfectly (and beautifully) capture rainy autumn days! I'm pretty much a curl-up-with-a-coffee rainy dayer but my bf loves the rain and sometimes we go on walks which is actually pretty cool through the trees! xx


  4. I crave those rainy days that we rarely get in Texas. Favorite things to do? I crack open the curtains, light up my favorite candle (capri blue from Anthro), play Bon Iver and read.

  5. Ya, it's hard to create content when it's dark outside! That's what I'm going through. Southern California or California for that matter is going through a pretty intense drought. I honestly cannot remember the last time it's rained in my city.


  6. i love the return of rain in my beloved Portland. I always get crazy creative as soon as the weather changes, jewelry making, sewing, painting, writing and of course cooking and baking! I also love spending a rainy day inside a thrift shop just wandering.

  7. its been rainy here too for a few days! X


  8. Oooh. Love the instagram pics.

    Hazel =)
    Please follow me on Instagram: @theskimplelife

  9. I love your sweater and your socks! They look so cozy. Alas, the weather here remains to warm to wear sweaters. Sigh. I hope you're having a good day so far.



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